Swedenborg and Life

Three Kinds of Evil Spirits

Episode Summary

Swedenborg believed that the unseen forces of heaven and hell shape our conscious experience. We believe that the more we learn about the dark, the easier it is to move toward the light! In this episode, host Curtis Childs and featured guests explore what eighteenth-century Christian mystic and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg discovered during his mystical explorations of the spiritual world about the different types of evil spirits. Join in as they discuss how the dark side can influence our thoughts and what we can do to stop it. This is an audio-only version of video-based show, and the podcast may contain references to visuals from the original episode. Watch this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o21lGQMyllw

Episode Notes

Swedenborg believed that the unseen forces of heaven and hell shape our conscious experience. We believe that the more we learn about the dark, the easier it is to move toward the light! In this episode, host Curtis Childs and featured guests explore what eighteenth-century Christian mystic and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg discovered during his mystical explorations of the spiritual world about the different types of evil spirits. Join in as they discuss how the dark side can influence our thoughts and what we can do to stop it.

This is an audio-only version of video-based show, and the podcast may contain references to visuals from the original episode. Watch this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o21lGQMyllw

Swedenborg and Life is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. http://www.swedenborg.com

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Free Book Downloads:

Apocalypse Explained - http://www.swedenborg.com/product/apocalypse-explained-vol-1-redesigned-standard-edition/

Secrets of Heaven - http://www.swedenborg.com/product/secrets-heaven-1-nce/

Spiritual Experiences - http://newchristianbiblestudy.org/exposition/translation/spiritual-experiences-odhner/contents/0

Related Videos:

How to Deal With Evil Spirits - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmWrAoML2hE&index=8&list=PLgtFTXGqZdSlBRwpD_yctDtmbiHSNjAt6

How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Evil Spirits - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoxBVK5d-A4&index=14&list=PLgtFTXGqZdSlBRwpD_yctDtmbiHSNjAt6

The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qaqd9Fhsxpg&index=3&list=PLgtFTXGqZdSlBRwpD_yctDtmbiHSNjAt6

Who was Swedenborg? What should I read? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEa0e8AcS78

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Who’s the Host?

Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to spread eighteenth-century philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s timeless message of hope to all. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God, existence, and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting a weekly webcast called Swedenborg and Life on the offTheLeftEye YouTube channel. Each week, Curtis and his behind-the-scenes team pour their talents and passions into creating for a worldwide audience weekly webcasts that focus on spiritual and societal topics such as the afterlife, angels and spirits, near-death experiences, faith, and more.